Thursday, November 25, 2021

Sunday Randomness #73 : Anniversary Inn Logan, UT (Three part post) Part Three

Third night was in the African Safari at Anniversary Inn at their Logan location.  This is one of their larger rooms.  You can close the tent side curtains to make it feel more like you're sleeping in a tent. 
Gorgeous room with plenty of eye-candy from the faux fur bedspread to the statuary around the room.
King-sized bed.
Fancy carpets.
Toilet with a door.

Swan towels!
Nice bubbler tub but I think I like the traditional jetted tubs better.  The bubbler tub is really loud.
Comfy tv chairs.
Costume for this room was a tiger sleeper.  (Yes, I know, tigers are Asia, not Africa, but it's what I had in the closet at home and I was trying to keep costs to a bare minimum.)
By the third day of sight-seeing and traveling and eating new foods we were exhausted.  Ready to just sleep off the meal of the day before heading back home the next day.

Every room had a notebook where guests can leave comments.  We left comments and a picture.

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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: