Monday, November 22, 2021

Sunday Randomness #73 : Anniversary Inn Logan, UT (Three part post) Part Two

 The second room we stayed in was the Pirate's Paradise room at the Logan location of Anniversary Inn.

The pirate tiles in the shower were a nice touch, as was the toilet paper on a door knob holder.  The bathroom just has a black curtain for privacy-no door.  

There was a cut-out with a pirate chest filled with pirate booty such as fancy bottles and tableware.
The room is a long rectangle with the tv at the far end, tub off to the side in the middle, and the bed in the far back.  It looks longer than it actual is so it wasn't hard to watch tv from the bed.  
The netting over the bed was clean (I was worried it would be dusty but they keep everything really clean at Anniversary Inn.) with a stuffed lobster and other marine life around the room.

We really liked the beautiful painted mural on the mirror glass.

I almost wish they had mentioned though that it's a long, semi-steep, narrow set of stairs going up and down to the room.  I admit I feel bad for their staff bringing up a loaded breakfast tray.

The costume for this room was a simple blouse and skirt with vest, and a scarf headband.  I bought these cool light up power ranger swords that make sounds when they make contact with each other and other items with flashing lights.  
They had a couple of simple plastic cutlass swords in the room and we tried to do a timed picture.  This was the best of the bunch.

The Pirate's Paradise was lots of fun with many themed items to take in around the room.

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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: