A selection of remarks from the mundane to the occasional wit with some recipes, book selections, and various sundries included.
Friday, December 22, 2023
Thursday Throw Back #7 : Ocean Spray Cranberry Punch for cookbook club
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Sunday Randomness #413 : B-B update and uncovering the wood floor
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Sunday Randomness #417 : A Month of Medical Pt. 4
---if we don't keep them separated to a certain extent they want to play.
But they do have their moments where they will be peaceful. B-B gets up on the couch very slowly and very carefully. We're at the stage of weighing his actions with his recovery. Will letting him on the couch help speed his recovery? Yes. Can he get on and off without injury? At this point we believe the answer is yes. We've monitored him closely and inspected his wound for any signs of complications like swelling, puss, stretching, excessive heat, etc...
Sunday Randomness #417 : A Month of Medical Pt. 3
Next day he slept on the yoga mat and mattress pad.
Incision site looks nice and clean. He's been a good boy and let us put corn bags from the freezer on his belly. The first time he actually sighed and closed his eyes like it felt so good. (We put the inner bag with corn inside a ziploc bag and the pink you see is the corn bag pillowcase.)
Learning to eat with a cone on. Rice and the bland canned food that they said is the dog equivalent of saltines. He's been amazing with taking all his medicines.
Sunday Randomness #417 : A Month of Medical Pt. 2
Sunday Randomness #417 : A Month of Medical Pt. 1
Mego had never been tested for allergies or asthma but has had a lifelong cough. No asthma but a bunch of mild allergies including cat and dog. No allergy to horse. He joked that we should get a pygmy horse like Arnold Schwarzenegger. https://www.sportskeeda.com/bodybuilding/dogs-donkey-miniature-horse-arnold-schwarzenegger-s-pets Ultimately he seems to have a case of chronic post-nasal drip which results fairly frequent nose blowing and some coughing. But nothing like lung cancer or the asthma so we are grateful.
Then B-B who is usually so prolific with bowel movements only had two in a twenty-four hour time period and did the curl of pain (lying in a circle and just looking miserable) after throwing up in the middle of the night. So of course Daisy and I decided he needed to see the emergency vet at 3:00 in the morning. I called Mego who went with me so Daisy could go back to sleep. They had polite signs up to remind clients to be courteous.
I know people are hurting when a family member (human or animal) is in the ER but from all the medical people I know whether for human or animal they are there to try to help. When clients try to be courteous and show patience it can go a long way in making their jobs more bearable. They had other cases so they sent us home to see our regular vet in the morning when they opened. We got a 9 am appt. and B-B got x-rays which showed something stuck in his stomach that was unidentified but not food and not metal but nothing more specific.
B-B at the regular vet-they are amazing! B-B loves all their staff from the front desk to the back room.Sunday, October 15, 2023
Sunday Randomness #3425 State Fair Entries 2023: Ribbon count
While it was fun, if not grueling at times, endeavoring to make so many food entries, I'm undecided if I will enter things in the fair next year or not. We'll just have to see. I am proud (and thankful to my friend!) for the sourdough start that I've kept going and made a number of loaves of bread along with some chocolate muffins and cinnamon rolls.
Thursday, October 12, 2023
State Fair Entries 2023: Steve Miller Band at the Utah State Fair
Steve Miller Band!
Steve Miller-the leadMusic clip
Music clip
Dance clip
Carnival ride lights at the fair
Monday, October 09, 2023
Sunday, October 08, 2023
Thursday, October 05, 2023
Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!
On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course. The course went around t...

Recently the school project for the semester centered around a report on any county of the state. Summit county was chosen and the report...
With abandon, the golden creature and black/white creature raced through the greenery, reveling in the coolness of the April afternoon. I ap...
We've started a weekly white board question this year at my library branch in the staff backroom. One of the first queries featured mo...