Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sunday Randomness #417 : A Month of Medical Pt. 1

Mego had never been tested for allergies or asthma but has had a lifelong cough.  No asthma but a bunch of mild allergies including cat and dog.  No allergy to horse.  He joked that we should get a pygmy horse like Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Ultimately he seems to have a case of chronic post-nasal drip which results fairly frequent nose blowing and some coughing.  But nothing like lung cancer or the asthma so we are grateful.

Then B-B who is usually so prolific with bowel movements only had two in a twenty-four hour time period and did the curl of pain (lying in a circle and just looking miserable) after throwing up in the middle of the night.  So of course Daisy and I decided he needed to see the emergency vet at 3:00 in the morning.  I called Mego who went with me so Daisy could go back to sleep.  They had polite signs up to remind clients to be courteous.

I know people are hurting when a family member (human or animal) is in the ER but  from all the medical people I know whether for human or animal they are there to try to help.   When clients try to be courteous and show patience it can go a long way in making their jobs more bearable. They had other cases so they sent us home to see our regular vet in the morning when they opened.  We got a 9 am appt. and B-B got x-rays which showed something stuck in his stomach that was unidentified but not food and not metal but nothing more specific.

B-B at the regular vet-they are amazing!  B-B loves all their staff from the front desk to the back room.


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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: