Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sunday Randomness #417 : A Month of Medical Pt. 2

The three priorities for Triage at AVC.  B-B was in priority 2 for Bowel Obstruction.

After checking into AVC they got B-B on an IV to see if the fluids would help anything move.  He had his second set of X-Rays around 10:30 to 11:00 p.m. and they called to say that nothing had budged and they wanted to operate to open B-B's stomach before anything more happening such as a section of his digestive system getting cut off to the point of getting infected or, worse, necrotic.  We gave them the go ahead and they said they'd be calling in a couple of hours.  I set a timer so that I wouldn't sleep through the ringing of the phone.  He came out of surgery just fine-and was recovering around 1 a.m. Saturday morning.  Thank you AVC Vet Team!

We went to visit him around 1 p.m. and he looked all sad and doped up with his red and blue surgical tape holding on his IV.  They said as long as he kept recuperating well and held down some water and food that we could take him home Saturday night.  We fed him solid food that they provided (canned chicken and bland gastro-intestinal canned dog food) and he ate well but we didn't try to feed him all of it at once. He was drinking water so around 8 to 9 p.m. we got to go get him and bring him home.

First night home was rough-he started out on the dog cot-his choice.  We gave him a couple of options from the dog cot to a yoga mat with a mattress pad.  B laid down right by him on her own.  She sniffed him with concern the first night.


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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: