Wednesday, March 19, 2008

But I want to be bored....

Aahhh….. a double rainbow. Things have been really hectic right now so here’s a list of boring things I wish I had some time to do:

-defrost the downstairs freezer

-pull up the downstairs carpet and scrap the pad up

-roto-till the dog run

-sit in a chair watching the mountains until I fall sleep

-get out an old college term paper and try to read it

Alas, I can do none of those things. I’m moderating a yahoo group with over 800 members, hosting the caucus next Tuesday, taking the family in for hair cuts, planning for Easter, making stuffing (and trying to figure out how to make a separate gluten-free batch), trying to catch up on my journal, wanting to write letters, plus all the day to day like meals, paying bills, doctor visits, dental visits, family visits, etc…

Next post I hope to move on to more creative entries like how we are building our strawberry boxes!

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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: