Half share for $14: 1 lb. lean ground beef, 4 4oz. cubed steaks, 1 loaf wheat bread, 16 oz. lentils, 2 avocados, 5 Golden Delicious apples (Utah-grown), 5 pears, 4 bananas, 1 head cabbage, 2 lbs. carrots, 1 eggplant

Farmer's Market Share: Assorted winter squash, onions, potatoes and basil. This is the last of the Farmer's Market share for the season. It's nice to buy local and nice that it's organic. We love squash so this assortment will be enjoyed in the winter months to come.
We could have also gotten a standard or harvest share.
Standard Share for $23:
2 lb. boneless, center-cut
pork loin roast, 2 lb. split chicken breast (boneless, skinless), 1 lb. lean
ground beef, 4 4oz. cubed steaks, 1 loaf wheat bread, 16 oz. lentils, 2 avocados, 6 Golden Delicious apples (Utah-grown), 6 pears, 5 bananas, 1 head cabbage, 2 lbs. carrots, 1 eggplant, 3 lbs.
yellow onions (Utah-grown)
Harvest Share for $14:
1 loaf
wheat bread, 16 oz. lentils, 4 avocados, 10 Golden Delicious apples(Utah-grown), 9 pears, 8 bananas, 1 head cabbage, 2 lbs. carrots, 2 eggplants, 3 lbs. yellow onions (Utah-grown), 2 spaghetti squash (Utah-grown)
For more information visit the foodco-op site. The order for November is due Friday, Nov. 6 with food pick-up on Saturday, November 21st.