Thursday, October 01, 2009

Author 4: Robert D. San Souci and fairytales

Princess Rosamond keeps the kingdom running smoothly but when an evil stepmother won't let her see her ailing father Rosamond must go fetch healing water. The water is obtained from the Well at the End of the World and along the way are deeds needing to be fulfilled through kindness or rudeness with the dues earned from each. This particular story is a retelling of a British tale, "The King of Colchester's Daughters" and was a traditional story in Elizabethan times. A similar story comes in the version of The Talking Eggs featured below.

"One big rabbit played a banjo, and the old woman hummed along with it. Blanche kept time by clapping along. The rabbits did a square dance, a Virginia reel, and even a cakewalk." Combine a young girl, an old woman, a mean sister and mother and put them together from a Creole folktale and you have The Talking Eggs by Robert D. San Souci. There are indeed talking eggs in the book and it's wise to obey the talking eggs.

Mr. San Souci has written many books, with a large portion being the retelling of traditional tales from all over the world. The Talking Eggs comes from Louisiana with other books finding origins in the Caribbean, Ireland and Armenia. Find more information about Mr. San Souci at his website: You'll also find a link to a pdf to print your own autographed bookmark listing his many books!

Mr. San Souci says, "Books were always important in my family. My parents read continually, and our house was well supplied with books of all sorts."
He has written over ninety books and likes spicy food. We've enjoyed these two books as part of some recent fairytale readings.

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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: