Thursday, October 17, 2013

Author #112: A new take on an slightly old poem by Julia Donaldson

Alfred Noyes first published his poem, The Highwayman, in 1906 in a Scottish magazine.  Julia Donaldson published The Highway Rat in 2011 with illustrator Axel Scheffler.  Julia's version makes us laugh, Alfred's version makes us cry.  And Loreena McKennitt's song of the Highwayman is one of the most simpatico examples of how to  bring poetry out of obscurity.

Ms. Donaldson's book is a clever new take on the poem with the romance portion now between a rat and food.  I love how she starts the book:

 "The Highway Rat was a baddie.
 The Highway Rat was a beast. 
He took  what he wanted and ate what he took.
 His life was one long feast." 

 The book chronicles the Highway Rat's food thievery-he wants something sweet to eat but gets all manner of other food instead of treats.  This is definitely a book worth reading to find out the humorous  and "poetic" ending for the Highway Rat.

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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: