Friday, March 25, 2022

The ongoing saga of B-B and B Part 6 Together/Alone

 Sometimes you want to be together with your family and sometimes you want time alone.  B-B prefers the kitchen and by the side back door for his alone time.  B prefers under the desk at our feet or on the couch downstairs for her alone time.  

At first B-B only wanted to be where other family members were congregated.  Now he is comfortable enough to find his own spots and the kitchen is a new favorite whether someone is cooking or not.   (But he almost always finds his way to linger in the kitchen if there is someone actively cooking!)

B is more independent and will want to be outside by herself, just sunning, or on the downstairs couch, or behind the upstairs couch. 

But she likes all of us well enough that she will settle by someone (human or fellow dog) or bring a toy to play with either a human or her doggie brother a fair amount of the time.  

B-B is definitely a golden-he will plant himself most of the time right next to a human for ear skritchies. (Yes, not a real word but I like the sound and it's apropos.) 

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Sunday Randomness #810 : Calvin S. Smith Library-closing March 26th Part 1

Here are many of the titles in the most current Reader's Choice display for the Salt Lake County Library (as of March 2022).  For more about Reader's Choice with SLCO Library visit:  The page also lists past winners and you can even click on a printable list! For more about Calvin S. Smith you can visit this site:

Closing March 26, 2022.  If you want to visit the Calvin S. Smith Library in Salt Lake, this is your last week to go.  The Smith Library and the former Columbus Library collections will be integrated with new material at the new Granite Library which is scheduled to open Summer of 2022.  For more about the new Granite Library, including pictures, visit

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Deer in the Capitol neighborhood

 I never noticed before how much deer can swivel their ears.  Thanks to Mego for taking the pictures.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

The ongoing saga of B-B and B Part 5 B-B starts training

 Both B-B and B exemplifying the command "Watch me".

Playing in the now empty pink pool because it got a hole in the bottom from B several months earlier.

Wrestling in the pink pool

B and B-B showing attention at the command "come".

B-B doing recall in a tennis court and sharing snow rolling by shaking on his human family members.

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

The ongoing saga of B-B and B Part 4 Food musings

 It's okay mom, I can feed myself!  Despite trying to put the bags in the bathtub, B-B was not deterred.  He climbed right in to stick his head in the open corner of the bag and immediately started wolfing down food.  He started choking a little when we hauled him and the bag away from each other because he was taking such large mouthfuls.  He hoovers up food (and bits of cardboard "dog chewing gum") in a manner that would put a good vacuum cleaner to shame!

Sunday, March 06, 2022

The ongoing saga of B-B and B Part 3 In the first month chasing and destruction ensues...

Playing tug of war in the yard-they devised on their own that when one of them runs into the covered patio area it is "safe".  The other one will not follow but waits for the dog in the patio to come back out.  Usually B runs in and B-B barks at her to come back out and continue the game.


The blue stuffed toy still had the body intact even though the arms, legs, and head had been ripped off.

But then all that was left was the fabric shell after they each gleefully pulled out chunks of stuffing and threw it around the living room with a toss of their heads.  They eventually turned to tug of war with the shell and you could see them pulling with more enthusiasm and energy when they could feel and hear ripping sounds.  This is why a number of their toys are kept in another room, out of reach, and only come out for limit, supervised, highly controlled play time, and those toys get put away before they are done in.

Friday, March 04, 2022

The ongoing saga of B-B and B Part 2 The first week

Yes, they love their toys.

B-B's favorite spot in the kitchen-but only when someone is in there cooking!

Out for walkies

Silly pictures

B was telling me a secret.  B-B is  currently learning to do the trick without a treat right by your ear.

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...