Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The ongoing saga of B-B and B Part 24: "Drool" Part 2

B-B drooling over something in the living room.  Who knows what-practically any food, either dog or human grade, is enough to start B-B salivating.

B-B often slimes B with lines of drool saliva.  Here he's managed to slime himself over his muzzle and up between his eyes.  When the lines of drool are long and sticky,  he just needs to shake his head and then they'll stick almost anywhere.  The consistency is similar to the lines of slime that one sees in the garden after slugs and snails have left a trail. It's that gross but we love him in spite of more frequent hand and clothing washing due to his slobber.   He really does have some heavy duty drool.


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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: