Friday, February 26, 2021

Sunday Randomness #142 : Dr. office medical advertisements visual appeal #7 (and final one!)

GSK-you're a-ok!  Colorful, funny, relevant. I especially think the spread graphics are funny. Websites on both posters to lead consumers to more information.  True, both of these ads are newer-from 2018 but gsk grasps a generation that's accustomed to sound bites and media graphics.  

Check out the details on the whooping cough poster! Magnifique!  From the wristwatch to the out of focus framed picture to the slight open mouths of all the characters.  It draws you in and you just look for more and more details.  And the website name? BigBadCough? I'm wanting to chuckle as I write this.  The gsk poster advertisements are definitely effective in my opinion. Thanks for joining me this week in looking at medical promotional materials.

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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: